Let go, Tune in, Look up ! Birmingham Buddhist Centre Friday Evening 5.30 – 8 pm *************SUSPENDED FOR A FEW WEEKS WILL LET YOU KNOW SOON WHEN IT’S BACK THANKS**********

Join us in coming together to let go the working week and look forward to the weekend.

There will be a mixture of practice, social and mutual support to help keep the Dharma alive throughout the week and meet the weekend with purpose and inspiration.

Run by mitras training to join the Triratna Order, and order members, but open to the ideas of all who come along.

If you think this might be for you, please come along and help build conditions for the Sangha to thrive.

5.30-6       Arrive

6-6.30       Meditation

6.30-7.30  Eat, talk, study, discussion

7.30-8        Ritual – Let go the week, look forward to the weekend.

Arrive anytime, but before 6 for meditation.

The Taste of Freedom

Just as the mighty ocean has one taste, the taste of brine, so does the Dharma have one taste, The Taste of Freedom

Come along on Friday evenings to chill out with friends, food and the taste of freedom. Experience the “positive bhardo” between the demands of the working week and the time and space afforded by the weekend.

Many thanks

Xen, Aiden, Shuddhakirti and Gareth


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